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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

I just got Real Flight, I see other people on the net talking about models i dont have, where can i get more and how do i load them / import them in ..
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm totally new to the hobby and forums.. So i hope this is the right spot to ask ?

I have watched a few people fly with white blades, but assume black ones are easier to see, correct ? i just bought a Trex 450 second hand with Black blades, But still trying to get a hover going in the Sim before i try and hover it..
Only just got my first heli, so no sins yet, lol .. give me time i'm sure i'll be back in this section..
Hi All,

I like this site, It's nice looking .. I'm a TOTAL Newbie .. So not much to tell.. Looking forwad to using this site, I have set it as my home page.. :)
Newbie Help Hex Drivers
Hello All,

Can you guys recommend a good set of drivers, I keep stuffing mine up, The cheap ones from china don't seem very strong at all..

Looking for a good set, Where the end dont wear out and go round.. This stuffs up all my hex heads.. :mad:

Hi All,

Just officially registered today, I started RC heli's about a year ago.. learnt a lot from the experienced flyer's at my local club. Decided to join the forum as it looks really fresh and new, So i thought well.. I'm
new aswell, so it matches.. LOL ...

I chose this forum because of the nice layout and the Social Media integration, I really hope it grows. Such a nice looking Forum and user friendly as well, Well done Admin's ..

Heli's :

I started off with Blade 400, At first there where a lot of crashes, It started getting very expensive to fix, After about 6 months and a lot...
I pack my helis in the car the night before and the next day tell my wife I'm off the the hardware store for a look, Then i pop down to my local for a few packs, lol
Hey Guys,

I was at Heli Heat Wave on the weekend and got some time to see Nick Maxwell do his thing. Man he is out of this world he is not human. Anyway my ESC was playing up and Andrew.N was kind enough to lend me hi brand new 3 flights old Protos Max for the rest of the weekend. I think by far the best Heli i have flown, handles so good in the sky. It also has a few cool features which I'll talk about later.
Repent Repent !
Repent Your Sin's

    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)